
1) 5月天崩地裂,帶走了很多生命,留下很多手尾和反省。不太敢留意新聞,吃不消。但是消息自動找上門,在仰光的好友今天送來電郵,避無可避,忍無可忍,心頭重得很。

Dear Ming Yee,
I hope you have already known the disaster we faced in Myanmar. This was the worst destruction we faced in Myanmar. We never have such kind of disaster. People are facing difficulty for their lives. We are saved but some parts of the Centre are damaged by it. Not only our buildings, trees are destroyed but also our mind is also destroyed because it causes lot of difficulties for lives of people. I know that our good friends from Hong Kong will remember us and pray for us. I hope God's graceful love and compassion to be with us and heal us. Please continue to remember us and encourage our Myanmar friends, especially Kay Thy. I think she will not have enough strength to continue her study. Please encourage her and pray her to accomplish her study well.
May God Bless you and your family,
Aye Nwe.

2) 昨天跟一個弟弟級的同學午飯,很有收獲。主要是他幫助我明白多一點男性在女性主義神學面前的確會出現有心無力的限制,而限制只因著男性不能有女性的經驗。我相信他,因他嘗試過做女性主義神學,過程中他發現了這因性別而有的限制。
近年女性主義神學不斷努力貢獻世界,只是她仍然被撥出主流以外。Mary Radford Ruether , Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza這些名字,除了搞女性主義神學的人,誰在乎她們是誰和說過什麼。

3) 頸和右手這幾天都勁痛,是什麼災難的預兆?


Joanne said…
mom mom,

the pain of your neck and right hand is due to the lack of exercises and relaxation!!!!

tze ying
秘密 said…

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